Ten Straight Forward Principles of Leadership and Living
Darrel L. Hammon
Have you wondered how to sift through all of the leadership material
printed to discover the basics of leadership? Here are ten straight forward
principles of leadership and living to help guide you.
For the past several years, we have been continuously confronted with
the phrase: “You need to learn leadership skills.” Or “Take a Leadership
class.” And then when we research what it means to be a leader, we encounter
numerous books and articles about what a leader is or should be. I have
personally discovered that following ten “Principles of Leadership and Living”
encompass the majority of the leadership skills that we all seek.
Principle #1: Be kind, gracious, and compassionate. In our
society today, it seems that kindness has somehow seeped out of our lives. We
are way too hard on each other and especially ourselves. When you show
kindness, graciousness, and compassion, people see you differently and act
differently around you. They connect more readily with you.
Principle #2: Be a vigorous, positive participant in everything you
do. As a former teacher, I discovered students who participated more
learned the most. Sometimes, it is just easier to sit back and let things
happen. But being a vigorous participant will show your boss and your
colleagues that you do want to accept more responsibility.
Principle #3: Don’t make a fuss over small things. One of the challenges
many people face is that they see the minutia, focus on that, and then fail to
see the bigger picture. Yes, you need to take care of the minutia, the “things”
in your life, but you also must keep focused on your goals, the bigger picture.
Principle #4: Remember who you are and why you are. One thing
that happens to many people as they move up the ladder of success is that they
fail to remember their roots. In essence, they forget who they are and change
into something or someone that they are not, and people can see the difference.
One must remember who you are and why you are doing anything. If you do, you
stay ground and connected to those whom you need the most.
Principle #5: Develop a vision in your life. We hear this all
the time, but it is true. We must develop our path and then stick to it. People
complain about their lives, but when asked what are their goals or vision, they
don’t have them. Thus, it is important—yes, even imperative—to “see afar off”
to see what you really can achieve.
Principle #6: Chose well and wisely by setting goals and keeping
them. Once your vision is in place, you need to create goals and objectives
that are measureable and ones you can achieve. Once that vision is in place,
you are on your way.
Principle #7: Seek leadership skills and be a leader in everything
you do. Take note of good leaders: your bosses, your co-workers, your
clergy, a mentor, or anyone that you consider a good leader. Read different
books (check out your local library for good reads) about leadership. Don’t try
to implement the skills all at once. Take one at a time and see what happens.
Principle #8: Strive to do your best, your very best. One of the
leaders I admire most is Gordon B. Hinckley. He continually urged all of to do “your
best, your very best.” But what is our very best? We must remember that
everyone is different and possesses varying skill sets. You must decide on who
you are (see Principle #4) and strive each day to become the best you can be.
Principle #9: Seek to better yourself through learning. It is
one thing to say you want to be a better leader. The difference between someone
who says it and someone who is hinges on the person who is constantly seeks
learning. That learning doesn’t necessarily have to be in the classroom
although there are great programs at your local community college or university
on leadership. Reading and studying good leadership material will help you
achieve your goals.
Principle #10: Always look for the good in everyone. This one
may be the most important. When we look for the good in others, we tend to
reach out instead of always focusing on ourselves. Remember, when we focus too
much on ourselves, we forget about the big picture and what we are all about.
Overall, becoming and being a good leader takes work and consistency.
The only way to become a good leader is begin doing what you know and seeking
opportunities to adopt leadership skills.
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