Monday, February 22, 2021

The Art of Leadership—Decision Making

The Art of Leadership—Decision Making

Over the years in my leadership positions, I have made numerous decisions, some disastrous and some genius, many more somewhere between the two. I have enjoyed making decisions. The better ones have always been more effective if I follow a process. The following ten decision-making principles constitute a process that has helped me make good decisions in the workplace and beyond.

Realize you are the decision maker

Ah, therein lies one of the biggest scopes of a leader. You have to make decisions. You cannot avoid them! Even not making a decision is a decision, albeit sometimes not necessarily a good one. Some decisions will be easy, some will be hard, some will create challenges for others, some may even offend others, some will be genius, some will be dumb, and some will show you are the greatest leader of all times. But mostly decisions will propel you and/or your organization along the path of success. 

Understand both sides of the decision

Perhaps, we should say that you must understand all sides of the decision. Initially, you may think that a “yes” or a “no” decision is in order. In reality, there are other sides of the decision: “Maybe not right now,” “Let’s involve others in the decision-making process,” “Are there aspects we are not seeing?” And many others. 

Do your homework

Decision-making constitutes doing your homework, whether it is visiting with others, reviewing the data, digging through the research, contemplating outcomes and workload, debating pros and cons, or acknowledging and ultimately accepting consequences. While doing your homework, you should also realize that your decision must be timely. 

Involve others in the decision-making process

You may have to make the final decision, but you should involve the people you have hired in helping you make the decision. If you have hired correctly, they are smart people, more than capable of reviewing with you any challenges that might come because of the decision. They probably can see angles you may not have foreseen. Trust them. Include them. Involving good heads, strong hearts, and good visionaries and pragmatists will always make you a better leader. 

Make the decision

Ironically, you have to make the decision. Of course, you will make the decision after you have done your homework, listened to others, and understand the potential consequences. But ultimately, the decision is yours. I know a few so-called leaders who think about it and think about and put off making the decision to the extreme. So, when the decision is finally made, people whose lives and jobs depend on the situation and have done everything in their power to help their leader with the decision have basically downgraded their opinion (s) of the leader. Leaders make decisions. Better stated: Leaders make timely, informed decisions.  

Understand the consequence (s) of your decision

Fortunately or unfortunately, there will be consequences to your decision. Many “ouches” will come your way, like ripping off a band aid. It may hurt for a moment or two—maybe even a year or two or even longer—but if you have done your homework, involved others, and made a good decision, then you can and should accept the outcome. 

Take ownership of the decision

There will be decisions that will not be good ones. It is inevitable. Instead of blaming others, take full ownership of it. You are/were/will be the ultimate decision maker. If the decision is not a good one, go to the evaluation/assessment component of the process. There may have been an angle you or your team overlooked. Or there may have been an unintended consequence. Do not be afraid to be accountable for the decision. Be sure, though, to give out the appropriate accolades because of a good decision. It will make you a better and a more effective leader. 

Assess the decision

Yes, you have to determine whether your decision is a good one. When you brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush, you know that’s a good decision, especially when you go to your six-month checkup, and the dental hygienist tells you your gums are looking good. Assessment should always be a part of the decision-making process. If changes need to occur, then make them, following a similar process you followed with some variation to make the right decision. 

Follow up

Once the decision has been made and you have completed the assessment, continue to follow up to make sure the decision is still a good one and on track toward success. Sometimes, you will have to review and perhaps reevaluate the decision. There is no shame in saying, “Well, that wasn’t the best decision we have ever made. Let’s take another look and try again.” 

Do not beat yourself up for the bad decisions

Guess what, bad decisions creep into the leadership equation. Unfortunately, you cannot make good decisions 100% of the time. You can make a zillion good decisions, but often there will be that one decision that may haunt you for the rest of your life. You cannot, however, continue to focus on that bad decision. Why? Because it will be so close in your line of vision that it will obstruct the bigger picture, the vision of what you need to do. The most amazing thing that can happen from making a bad decision is how you turn a bad decision into a good one and move forward. Or maybe even be willing to discard the decision completely. Sometimes, you just have to shake your head a few times and move on. 

Decision-making is one of the most challenging aspects of being a leader. It can create heartache and heartburn while simultaneously euphoria and self-satisfaction. The key to good, effective decision-making is this: You have to make them. Just make sure you have done everything you can to make a good decision and then be willing to accept whatever consequence that follows, good or bad. 

Darrel L. Hammon, Ph.D.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Hay 20 cosas debe hacer cada día para su esposa o querida

  Para mis amigos que hablan Español!

Hay 20 cosas debe hacer cada día para su esposa o querida

Haga el día de su esposa, cada día, con estas acciones simples que le recordarán su amor por ella.

 Díle que la amas

 Le debes decir que la amas más que una vez al día, incluso cuando sales y cuando regresas a casa. Como texting es tan popular, puedes enviarle un texto a ella aunque la conversación con ella cara a cara sea la más importante e íntima.

Muéstrale la amas

De todas las cosas que necesitas hacer cada día, esta es quizás la más esencial. Le puedes cuanto la amas, pero la demonstración de su amor hacia ella es vital en su vida diaria. La demonstración. Hay miles de maneras cómo mostrarle a esposa cuanto la amas. Sea creativo — Todos. Los. Días.

 Sé organizado

Nada es menos atractivo que montones de ropa, zapatos, calcetines, envolturas de dulces, etc. esparcidas por todas partes. Seguramente puedes gastar unos pocos minutos para poner en su sitio tus zapatos, colocar sus calcetines en la ropa sucia o hasta colgar tus pantalones. Si eres experto en arrojar las cosas al suelo o amontonar unas camisas de un número astronómico en la silla al lado de tu cama, deja la pereza y sé más organizado.

Limpia alrededor del fregadero

Uno de los lugares más insalubres en su casa hoy en día, aparte del teclado de su computador, es el fregadero.  Límpialo cada día, y ella estará gratamente sorprendida y agradecida.

 Plancha la ropa

Trata de planchar por ti mismo. Tú serías sorprendido cuán relajante—y terapéutica—es planchar la ropa.

Escríbele una nota

Este podría ser una de las más sencillas. No tienes que hacer un curso de poesia, solo una nota que le deje saber que ella es hermosa, o desearle que tenga un buen día. Pónlo en su bolsillo o en algún lugar donde ella puede verla. Prueba con una nota adhesiva en el espejo en el baño.

Haz la cama

O por lo menos ayudarle hacer la cama. Siempre es más fácil cuando dos hacen la cama, y sólo se tarda unos minutos de su tiempo. Hay algo refrescante tener una cama ordenada.

No te quejes

Sin duda, puedes abstenerte de quejarte una vez al día—hazlo dos veces mañana. Quejarse es un signo de pesimismo.

 Léele a ella

Quizás no sea lectura, pero el leer algo a ella cada día es dulce e íntimo. Podría ser uno de los comics del diario, un versículo o dos de la Biblia, o un increíble pasaje de la novela que estás leyendo.

 Cepíllate los dientes

La frescura es la clave de la felicidad.

No le preguntes por lo que se debes hacer

Al preguntar significa que no eres un buen observador.  Probablemente, ella te ha insinuado y tal vez incluso ya te había dicho: "Querido, ¿podrías tú hacer esto?" Sé observador, mira a tú alrededor; y escúchela.

Pon los platos en el lavavajillas

 No hay ninguna razón para dejar los platos en el fregadero o en la mesa. Si el lavajillas está lleno, váciela.

Parquéate correctamente

El espacio del garaje es sagrado; así pues, asegúrate que tú auto quede en tú propio lado.  La usurpación de su puesto no le será gracioso. Si su coche está fuera, siga adelante y pon el carro de tú esposa adentro del garaje también. Es una de las cosas que muestra que la amas.

Lleva la basura afuera

Siempre te toca sacar la basura—Asi es.

Cierra con llave las puertas y apaga las luces

Por la noche, anda alrededor de la casa, cierra con llave las puertas y apaga las luces. Tu cónyuge se sentirá segura y protegida si completas esta tarea.


Abrazos por la mañana. Abrazos cuando regresas a casa. Abrazos cuando se acuestan. Y asegúrate que no sea sólo un apretoncito. Déle unos abrazos de oso.


Recuérdale cuánto amas esa sonrisa de la cual te enamoraste. Hay muchas cosas que ama en ella, así le recuérdatelas a menudo.

Ayuda con los platos sin preguntar

No solo en ponor los platos en el lavavajillas, ayuda también a una vez limpios ponerlos en su sitio, y a la vez poner la mesa a la hora de la comida y recoger la mesa después de las comidas.


 Esto puede significar que tienes que aprender cómo cocinar algo. Pero tus esfuerzos serán muy apreciados cuando preparas una comida deliciosa para ella.

Tengan una conversación increíble cada día

En la sociedad de hoy, con tanta tecnología, días laborables largos, etc., rara vez tenemos el tiempo para la conversación. Su matrimonio será reforzado si llevas tiempo para hablar con tu esposa cada día.

Memorice esta lista, añade a ella y siempre recuerda dos palabras importantes: "Sí, Querida."

Saturday, February 13, 2021

20 things you should be doing for your Valentine on a daily basis

For this Valentine's Day, I know that many of you are scrambling to find the right Valentine's Day gift--maybe flowers, a beautiful card, clothes, a new car, perhaps even new shutters for your house. One of the gifts you could give to your Valentine is doing just simple things everyday, not just on Valentine's Day. In fact, Valentine's Day can be an every day occurrence. 

This year why not commit to 20 things you should be doing for your Valentine on a daily basis!

Life is full of lists we need to do, from shopping to what to buy to homework assignments. No list is more important for men than the 20 things you should be doing for your true Valentine on a daily basis. Once you figure that out, you may be home free.

#1: Tell her you love her—You must tell her you love her more than once per day, including when you leave and when you come home. Because texting is so popular, you can even text her although telling her face-to-face is the most important and intimate.

#2: Show her you love her—Of all of the things you need to do every single day is this one: Show her you love her. You can tell her all you want, but showing her is the sauna of everyday living. Show not telling is the writer’s mantra and should be a husband’s. Thousands of ways exist on how to show your wife you love her. Be creative. Every. Single. Day.

#3: Pick up after yourself—Nothing is less sexy or even unsanitary than heaps of clothes, shoes, socks, candy wrappers, etc. lying everywhere. Surely you can spend the few minutes to put away your shoes, place your socks in the dirty clothes, or even hang up your pants. It’s just plain laziness to just flop stuff on the floor or pile a zillion T-shirts on the chair next to your bed.

 #4: Clean around your sink—Yuck! One of the most unsanitary places in America today, aside from your computer keyboard, is your sink. Clean it every day and reach over and clean your spouse’s. She will be pleasantly surprised and grateful. Promise!

 #5: Iron your own clothes—Perhaps, all of your clothes are the no iron kind. Congrats! But there are some husbands whose dress shirts need to be iron, pants to be touched up, or even suit jackets to be steamed. Try doing it yourself. You would be surprised how relaxing—and even therapeutic—it really is.

#6: Write a note—This could be the easiest one you do. Your note doesn’t have to be on the cutest paper in the world. You could easily write on any piece of paper, including toilet paper, and put it in her pocket or out where she can see it. You could even put a sticky note on the mirror in the bathroom.

#7: Make the bed—Or at least help make the bed. It’s always easier when two make the bed, and it takes just a few moments of your time. There is just something about completeness when the bed is made.

#8: Don’t complain—Surely, you can refrain from complaining once per day. Make it twice tomorrow. Complaining is a sign of morbid pessimism.

#9: Read to her—Now, you may not be a reader, but reading to her something every day shows a bit savvy about things. It could be one of the comics from the daily paper, a scripture or two, or an incredible passage from the novel you are reading.

 #10: Brush your teeth—Okay, this one should be done more than once per day, but brushing your teeth the moment you get up and then after you breakfast will definitely reap benefits. Freshness is always the key to happiness.

 #11: Don't ask about what needs to be done—Having to ask definitely shows you are non-observant and not dialed in to what is happening around your house. She probably has hinted and maybe even come right out and said, “Dear, would you do this?” Be observant; look around; listen to her.

 #12: Put the dishes in the dish washer—Mega-easy task! Climb off your stool/chair, grab your utensils and cereal bowl, and walk the three feet to the dish washer. There is no reason to leave them in the sink or on the table.

 #13: Pull in the garage straight—Garage space is sacred space; so, make sure you pull in straight and on your own side. Encroaching on her spot is not cool. If her car is outside, go ahead and put hers away, too. It’s one of those showing-you-love-her things.

#14: Take care of the garbage—It’s always your turn to take out the garbage. No questions asked.  

#15: Lock the doors and turn out the lights—At night, walk around the house, lock the doors, and turn out the lights. Your spouse will feel much safer if you have done due diligence.

#16: Give her a hug or two—This is a no-brainer. Hugs in the morning. Hugs when you come home. Hugs when you go to bed. Make sure they aren’t just a mere squeeze. Give her bear hugs.

#17: Complement her how nice she looks—Complimenting your lovely bride once a day—or even more would be a good thing—reaps huge benefits.

#18: Help with the dishes without being asked—This one is different than putting your dishes into the dish washer. If you or your spouse cooks, which they normally do, jump right in and help with the dishes, either washing or drying.

#19: Make one of the meals—What? Make one of the meals? That may mean you have to learn how to cook something, learn how to heat up leftovers, or even create a salad. You will be totally surprised how she reacts if you arrive home first and have a delicious meal prepared for her.

#20: Have an incredible conversation each day—In today’s society with all of the technology, streaming video, long work days, etc., we seldom have time for conversation. Your marriage and your relationship with your wife will endure even longer and become stronger when you take the time to have an incredible conversation with her. It’s almost a reconnection each day.

Memorize the list, add to it, and, oh, and always remember two important words: “Yes, Dear.”
