The following was printed by Deseret News at This is a repost for
your perusal.
Six ways you talk yourself into becoming obsolete
For the Deseret News
We can all become obsolete in a variety of areas. Our
personal obsolescence comes because we talk ourselves into it. While there may
be many more ways we talk ourselves into obsolescence, here are a mere six that
push you there of your own volition.
Manufacturers plan for obsolescence, ensuring you will have
to trade in your old microwave or iron for a new one, usually, just a few years
after the warranty goes belly up or after you have paid for the third add-on
warranty you purchased to keep the first warranty fresh. Unfortunately, human
beings do not have the ability for an extended warranty unless you create your
own warranty by improving yourself and your situation.
Our obsolescence comes because we talk ourselves into it.
While there may be many more ways we talk ourselves into obsolescence, here are
a mere six that push you there of your own volition.
The system won’t let us do this (it’s above my pay grade).
The ubiquitous “system” has a tendency to lull us into
lethargy, thinking that nothing can be done because what you are asking is way
above my pay grade. Often we hide behind the system because we do not want to
do anything about it, and we erroneously believe that we can keep any
information from getting out to the wrong hands, thus allowing us to keep
control of the information. Many systems, particularly software systems, have a
zillion capabilities, and we only know how to do 10 percent, not wanting to
invest in learning anything more. It could be more strenuous than we have the
courage for. If we do not take chances and stretch a wee bit, then we will
never grow, and the system will run us.
We have done that before, and it didn’t work.
Thinking that way will never let new and innovative ideas
emerge. What if Thomas Edison had said that? No electricity. What if Andy
Andrikopolous from Wyoming had said that after he drilled his 700th dry well?
No oil. Sometimes, we have to keep on trying or trying a different way to make
something happen. Persistence is just part of the equation for success and
keeps you out of the obsolescence mode.
Nobody has ever done that.
Perhaps not, but that does not necessarily mean it cannot be
done. Entrepreneurs are constantly asking the question “What hasn’t been done
before?” Or “What is needed and is currently not on the market?” and then going
out and making it happen.
Why do I have to do that? Can’t someone else do it?
Asking “why do I have to do that?” is merely an avoidance issue
because you really don’t want to do whatever is asked of you. While some may
call it laziness, it may hinge on you not really knowing how to do that
particular task. Instead, you feel if you ask for help, you may expose what you
do not know to others. Whether it is avoidance, laziness, excuses, or some other
reason, they will usually relegate you to obsolescence because it shows you
don’t want to grow and develop. Asking questions is good if you strive to seek out
the answers that will help you improve.
This company has been around a very long time so I’m pretty
safe; besides, I don’t do change.
Tell that to the whaling industry when the lightbulb came
into being or more recently tell that to Blockbuster when Netflix showed up or
MySpace when Facebook emerged or dozens of other companies. Change will
definitely happen, and it is no respecter of persons or companies. All
companies are vulnerable unless they brush off the cobwebs and learn how to do
business in an ever-changing ecosystem. Plus, becoming so comfortable with what
you are doing may turn into complacency and obsolescence. Employees who choose
not to change find themselves out the door or relegated to some job that is
menial until the person decides it is beneath or beyond them and quits. Those
employees who re-invent themselves will be the emerging workforce. An old adage
says, “If you are not progressing, you are retrogressing.” One of your best
choices is to learn new skills along the way and make yourself useful and then
keep improving.
Why should I even try?
Asking this question illustrates two possibilities: 1) You
are at your wit's end and really do not want to try again; or 2) You just say
that because you are not willing to put forth the effort. Perhaps you have
experienced some negativity in previous or current jobs or you really tried and
were put down until you do not even want to try and get up. If you are in that
situation, it may be better for you to get out and go somewhere else. Before
you go, however, be sure to upgrade your skills and be ready for your next
Becoming obsolete in the workplace can only cause pain and
harm to you and your career, but learning how to be creative and inventive will
propel you along the ever-changing path that will keep your head above the
froth of life. Obsolescence does not become you.